Integrated Pest Management Program for Horticultural Crops 

The OIRSA has a prominent Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for horticultural pests, which has allowed the development of phytosanitary surveillance processes through technological platforms and applications that enable real-time monitoring data management of pests indicated by national plant health authorities as an innovative and cutting-edge tool.

En dicho programa se logran atender declaratorias de emergencias fitosanitarias, caso del yellow sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) in El Salvador, the African giant snail (Achatina fulica) in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, through technical support, training, and financial resources for the main eradication or containment activities.

Capacities for surveillance, diagnosis, and integrated pest management of cucurbit viruses, tomato rugose virus, and Megalurothrips usitatus in beans have been strengthened..



Additionally, efforts are made to harmonize and support the technological development of platforms for phytosanitary surveillance to update and strengthen the capacity to detect and intervene in the main pests affecting crops in the region. This includes countries such as Guatemala, Belize, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Honduras. Furthermore, there are 17 established pests in the dynamic maps project of climatic risk for the establishment and reproduction of pests of interest to the National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs), which allows for identifying areas with environmental conditions conducive to developing these pests.