Xylella fastidiosa: Countries affected by European regulations on ornamental species are supported in strengthening diagnostic capacities and certification processes for sites and areas free of X. fastidiosa.
It is important to mention notable events in recent years, such as the Workshop on Phytosanitary Diagnosis and Surveillance at SENASICA, Mexico, with the participation of official technicians from Costa Rica, Honduras, and Guatemala. The knowledge status regarding the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosawas also updated, including different diagnostic techniques for its identification and current normative procedures, through technical support from the Ibero-American Network for the Control of Xylella fastidiosa (IBER-XYFAS), the University of Costa Rica, and OIRSA in 2021. This includes both virtual and in-person events.

Regional Update Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa held in Costa Rica, December 2021. Xylella fastidiosa realizado en Costa Rica, diciembre 2021.