To support its member countries in preventing, controlling, and eradicating bird diseases that are important in animal health and public health, with social, economic, and trade impact, both nationally and internationally, following international guidelines in harmony with the environment.
Actions carried out under the program
Since the emergence of the low pathogenicity avian influenza virus H5N2 in Mexico in 1993, mutating to a highly pathogenic virus in 1994, causing million-dollar losses in the country. Subsequently, the disease also appeared with a low pathogenicity H5N2 virus in Guatemala and El Salvador in 2001, diseases that were later eradicated, with OIRSA supporting member countries in executing prevention, control, and eradication actions against avian influenza. Subsequently, other diseases such as Newcastle disease, Avian infectious laryngotracheitis, Typhoid fever, and Pullorum disease were incorporated, considered to belong to the list of diseases of obligatory notification to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and being relevant to the region.
Within the framework of the regional poultry health program coordinated by OIRSA, the following main actions continue:
- The creation of the Regional Technical Commission on Poultry Health (CTRSA) was resolved during the XLIX Ordinary Meeting of the H. CIRSA held in Guanajuato, Mexico, on April 12, 2002. This commission is permanent and supports the implementation of national poultry programs and the regional program. It is composed of representatives from the official sector (heads of poultry health programs) and representatives from the Central American and Caribbean Poultry Federation (Fedavicac). Meetings are held twice a year, either in person or virtually.
- Within the CTRSA, agreements have been established among countries for establishing regional technical guidelines to regulate the inspection and certification process of poultry establishments. This includes the Guide and Evaluation of Biosafety for egg-laying and fattening birds.
- The project "Implementation of a regional program for the detection, prevention, and control of respiratory zoonoses in Central America and the Dominican Republic with emphasis on AI" (OIRSA-CDC-SECOMISCA) is currently underway, which includes:
- Training of national veterinary services in epidemiological surveillance and diagnosis of avian influenza.
- Implementación de una plataforma de vigilancia integrada de la interfaz animal-humano-medio ambiente bajo el enfoque de Una Salud;
- Development of the regional workshop "One Health: Regional Consultation for Strengthening Intersectoral Work in the Human-Animal-Environment Interface of Zoonotic Influenza" and its subsequent follow-up with national workshops.
- Risk analysis of avian influenza with the support of the Risk Analysis Coordination of OIRSA to prevent the introduction of the disease in member countries.