Executive Direction

The Executive Directorate (ED) is an entire component of OIRSA, whose functions involve complying with the provisions of the Agreement and executing the assignments from CIRSA. This translates into legal representation activities and the management and administration of OIRSA's resources and services.

The Executive Directorate is headed by the Executive Director, who must be a national of one of the member states, serving a four-year term, with the possibility of being re-elected once and not succeeded by a person of the same nationality.

The Executive Directorate functions as the operational arm of the CIRSA and OIRSA, carrying out the following responsibilities in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Organization and corresponding budgetary provisions:

    • Execute the decisions of the CIRSA.
    • Administer the financial resources of the Organization following CIRSA decisions.
    • Determine the number of staff members, regulate their powers, rights, and duties, set their remuneration according to job profiles, and appoint and renew them following CIRSA-established norms.
    • Prepare the Annual Program-Budget Project and present it to the CIRSA with recommendations from the Executive and Technical Commissions.
    • Develop bilateral and multilateral international cooperation and coordination relationships necessary to achieve the objectives of the Organization.
    • Participate in CIRSA and Executive and Technical Commission meetings with voice but without a vote, and when required, act as the ex-officio secretary of such meetings.

Internal Structure of OIRSA

Today, based on the Strategic Plan 2015-2025, OIRSA operates internally through two significant areas under the supervision of the Executive Directorate. To wit:

    1. Technical Directorate
    2. Directorate of Administration and Finance

The Technical Directorate is composed of four strategic regional action directions: Animal Health, Plant Health, Quarantine Services, and Food Safety. Additionally, within each regional direction, there are Regional Coordinators of Programs and Projects who serve as technical liaisons with the national counterparts responsible for Animal Health, Plant Health, Agricultural Quarantine, and Food Safety at the Ministries or Secretariats of Agriculture and Livestock in each of the member states.

The Directorate of Administration and Finance is led by the Director of Administration and Finance, who oversees the heads of Finance, Accounting, General Services, and Project Administration.
Additionally, the Executive Directorate directly oversees the Planning and Projects, Internal Audit, Technical Audit, Institutional Communication and Public Relations, Information Technology, and the Department of Human Resources and Institutional Development.


M.Sc. Raúl Antonio Rodas Suazo
Director Ejecutivo

Lic. Carlos Mario Aparicio
Director de Administración y Finanzas a.i.

Ph.D. Carlos Urías
Director Regional de Sanidad Vegetal

M.Sc. Abelardo De Gracia Scanapieco
Director Regional de Salud Animal

Lic. Raúl Peralta Girón
Director Regional de Inocuidad de Alimentos

Ing. José Iván Hernández
Director Regional de Servicios Cuarentenarios

Licda. Yasmara Fuentes
Asesora legal regional

Ing. Benjamín Muñoz
Planificación a.i.

Licda. Yaneth Jordan de Grande
Auditoría Interna

Licda. Yanira Navarro
Recursos Humanos

Ing. Álvaro Angulo
Tecnología de la Información y Comunicaciones

Lic. Sigfredo Ramírez
Relaciones Públicas y Comunicaciones 

Licda. Sara González
Compras y Contrataciones 

Ing. Martín Agenor Rosales
Inteligencia Sanitaria y Análisis de Riesgo 

Licda. Alicia Velasco de Pérez
Gestión de Proyectos